
Real-Time U.S. Composite Satellite Animation

SSEC, UW-Madison

Hurricane IR Loop

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Select: Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced
Check "Enable Java" and "Enable Javascript"

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Select: Tools -> Internet Options -> Security tab
Select the Internet zone and set the Security level for the zone to "Medium"

You may need to restart your browser after making these changes.

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Maintained by NESDIS Satellite Services Division
GOES Webmaster

GOES-12 Wildfire ABBA
Western USA Map Western USA Last 12 Hours
(this loop automatically reloads every 10 minutes)

Loop of the previous 12 hours

WFABBA fire legend AVHRR-derived landcover legend

ABBA home | Wildfire ABBA home
GOES-12 WFABBA: North America | GOES-12 WFABBA: South America | GOES-10 WFABBA: North America